Morning Worship 11am
Evening Worship 6pm
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Sermons tagged with Matthew
A Singleness of Heart
A Tale of Two Foundations
Adultery and Other Heart Sins
Ask, Seek and Knock
Assurance: True or False WCF 18:1-2
Be Not Anxious
Begrudging the Lord’s Generosity - Rev. David Crum
Being the Salt of the Earth
Blessed are the Meek
Christians Living in the World
Daily Bread and Contentment HC #125
Divorce, No “No Fault”
Doing - the Evidence of Faith
False Prophets and Fruit
Fasting or Dieting?
God’s Law vs. Human Tradition
He is Worthy of Worship
How the Elect Fall
How to Pray - part 1
How to Pray - part 2
Hungering for Righteousness
Jesus, the Narrow Door
Joesph and the Angel’s Announcement
Judge Not?
Light: True and Reflected
Little Faith
Living as Forgiven People HC #126
Of Dogs and Hogs
Our Relationship to God - The Ten Commandments
Parable of the Soils
Parable of the Tares
Practicing Your Devotion
Practicing your Devotion - Private Prayer
Preparing for Worship and Praying
Preventing Murder HC 105-107
Responses to the Revelation
Revenge and Turning the Cheek
Savior or Stumbling Block?
Seeking the Kingdom
Serving God
The Beatitude Attitude
The Blessings of Mercy
The Dragnet
The Golden Measure
The Incarnation - Christ is Among Us and In Us
The Jewish Trial
The Law Today
The Mourner’s Consolation
The Pure in Heart
The Sheep and Goats
The Syrophoenician Woman: Persevering in Prayer
The Ten Virgins
The Two Sons
The Unforgiving Servant
They Worshiped only Jesus
Using God’s Name WCF 22:1-4
Vows and Speaking the Truth
What is a Peacemaker?
What is the Mission of the Church - Guest Minister
Why Join A Church?
Why the Oath? HC 101-102
Why Would Such Nice People be Persecuted?
You Shall Call Him Jesus
“Be Prepared” Rev. David Crum
“Loving Friends and Enemies”
“Where is your treasure?”