Today – We want to welcome you to Bonita Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Pastor Joe Puglia will bring forth God's Word for the Morning and Evening
Worship Services. Please plan to attend the services, either in church or
through YouTube, at
Annual Congregational Meeting-The meeting will be Wednesday, February 5,
at 7 p.m., at church.
Women's Committees Meeting-The meeting will be on Sunday, February 16,
immediately following the Morning Service, in the kitchen.
Prayer Requests – For your prayer requests please contact Mr. McMorris by
email, [email protected] or by text, 1 (619) 602-4999.
Morning Sermon: "A Passion to be Used of the Lord"
Ephesians 4:7-13
Evening Sermon: "Slaying the Dragon of Despair"
1 Kings 19:1-8